Clutter Clearing Classes

What is inside us, reflects externally.

Or is it the other way around?  In any case, if you are living in chaos, it doesn’t feel good and reflects in our lives.  We use Reiki to help you clear away external blocks to help you release internal blocks that prevent you from living your life, your way.  We have a 3 month program to guide you to clear unwanted, unneeded energy and STUFF from your home to create the life you desire.

The perfect time to revamp your home & your life as spring naturally creates that internal desire.

We’ll have 3 monthly Online classes on the last Saturday of the month. There will also be an hour long check-in for questions on the 3rd Wednesday evening for those 3 months.

Class Tuition: $375

Ready to sign up?

Class Registration Closed

Contact us for details about the next Clutter Clearing Program!