Reiki Sessions.

A 90 minute session is customized to your current need, but let me give you a sense of what to expect when you come here for a healing session. We have other time options; this is a recommended choice.

A typical Reiki session will start off with a brief conversation. This conversation is very important and allows a few different things to happen. The first one being that it lets the client tell the us why he or she is there, what is going on in his/her life, and what he or she is hoping to get out of the session(s). The second thing that happens during this conversation is that it gives us a chance to get a feel for the client’s energies prior to starting the session and allows for even more insight into the client’s current situation. The third thing that happens, and one of the most important, is that it gives the Chellie or Mike and client a chance to build a rapport. This allows the client to let go and open up more to the energies during the session.

Since a complete Reiki treatment is the focus of our session, we’ll start with you lying on your back, fully clothed, on the treatment table, with support as needed for your comfort. I then generally start at the head and work down toward the feet, stopping at the knees or possibly the ankles. There are general hand positions that the majority of practitioners follow, at least to some degree. These hand positions attempt to cover all the seven main chakras and all the major organs. Each hand position is held for anywhere from 2 – 5 minutes or longer. During this time I simply allow the energy to channel out my hands and into you, the client. There is no physical manipulation whatsoever during a traditional Reiki session. Everything is done on a purely energetic level. After all the positions are completed, it is now time to “ground” you back down to the planet. This is done by moving to the feet and channeling the energy into the soles of your feet. This works to open the chakras on the bottoms of the feet which connect us to the planet.

All sessions are done using  World Peace Holy Fire® III energy. This is a new energy that has come to the planet for all of the situations we are facing at this time. While considerably more effective, it is also more gentle & nurturing, and creates a feeling of peace.

After your Reiki treatment, we’ll discuss your experience, and address your questions. I’ll help you strategize how you can regain and maintain optimal well-being. Our emphasis will be on what you want to do, what you can do, and what you choose to do, rather than a list of “shoulds” to distress you. You will leave here not just feeling better, lighter, happier and healthier – but also feeling empowered to address whatever challenges you’re facing.

Other options include a 30 minute, Reiki only session.  A 60 minute abbreviated session. And a double session (two times around your body) in a 120 minute session.

Session Fees vary based on location:

Danville ~ $175 for 90 minutes (most common choice)

$75 for 30 minutes, $130 for 60 minutes, and $225 for 120 minutes. 

Lincoln City ~ $100 for 60 Minutes


Contact me if you have questions!